
It’s time for me to talk to you about one of my favorite birds in Australia! To me they are just beautiful and exotic but to many Australians, they are just seen as vulgar birds (like pigeons for the Parisians!)
Who are they?
Cockatoo is the general name for any of the 21 species belonging to the bird family Cacatuidae. They are parrots.
The family has a mainly Australasian distribution, ranging from the Philippines and the eastern Indonesian islands of Wallacea to New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Australia.
The name cockatoo originated from the Indonesian (Malay) name for these birds, it means “older sister" from kakak "sister" + tua "old".

Where they live?
How to recognize them?
Cockatoos are recognisable by the showy crests and curved bills.
Their plumage is generally less colourful than that of other parrots, being mainly white, grey or black and often with coloured features in the crest, cheeks or tail.
On average they are larger than other parrots. It’s really easy to recognize them and this is why I like them so much too! It makes my job easier :)
So far, I have met 3 different kinds:

Fidelity is important to them. A good example to follow J.
First, cockatoos are monogamous breeders, with pair bonds that can last many years!
Many birds pair up in flocks before they reach sexual maturity and delay breeding for a year at least.
Sexual maturity is delayed so birds can develop the skills for raising and parenting young, which is prolonged compared with other birds; the young of some species remain with their parents for up to a year. This reminds me of a French famous movie, TANGUY. Tanguy is 28 years old and still living with his parents!
Second, cockatoos may also display site fidelity, returning to the same nesting sites in consecutive years.



Show birds:
At zoos, wildlife sanctuaries or even in various tourism attractions, Cockatoos are often the stars! They are talkative, good dancers and very cheeky birds!
Meet Freddy

I love them especially because they never wake me up (like the Kookabura does) J !
Indeed, Cockatoos are not early risers (that's mean not before 8am), they are diurnal and require daylight to find their food.
Actually, what they eat?
Cockatoos are
versatile feeders
and consume a
range of mainly
vegetable food
Watch out for your breakfast if you are on a terrace, haha, they love coming around and check what you are having! In many apart hotels on the Queensland’s coast, they warn you. Don’t leave your windows open, they can visit your room and even open the fridge to steal all your snacks!!
Cheeky birds!